Overseas retirement can’t enjoy Medicare paying taxes for decades.

If you are an American citizen and consider retiring abroad, Medicare can’t go with you.

The United States generally prohibits medical insurance from paying medical expenses for overseas retirees. They must return to China to use medical insurance or pay for the required medical expenses out of their own pockets.

Many retired Americans think this situation is unfair. They have been paying the federal medical insurance tax during their work, but they can’t get it because they moved overseas.

The restrictions on medical insurance also fail to take into account that overseas medical treatment may be cheaper and save money for the plan.

For example, if the beneficiaries of medical insurance can receive hip replacement surgery in Costa Rica, Panama or Israel, the cost of surgery by trained surgeons in internationally certified hospitals may be half that of American hospitals, thus saving money for medical insurance and retirees.

Research shows that the highest age of overseas retirees is about 72 years old.

Older people are unlikely to live abroad, and their medical needs are increasing as they get older, so they are returning to the United States to take advantage of medical insurance.

The current federal health care regulations make it more difficult for Americans to live abroad.

Americans who are eligible for medical insurance will continue to pay premiums even if they live overseas only part of the time, but they will not be able to use medical insurance when they are overseas.

If they pay the medical expenses themselves, they will pay twice.

If they don’t continue to pay medical insurance premiums, they will face fines when they return to the United States.

Experts say that although there is no medical insurance abroad, it is better to take out insurance, so that if you are seriously ill, you can go back to the United States for treatment.

Another important problem faced by overseas retirees is high-quality medical services.

For example, the State Council’s information on Panama indicates that medical facilities outside Panama City are limited.

Prescription drugs are another problem.

In some countries, such as India and China, counterfeit goods are rampant.

Just like you thought the viagra you bought was fake.

In some countries, drugs can be bought without a prescription, which may lead to serious side effects.

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